Get Stumble Guys: Multiplayer Royale

Stumble Guys: Multiplayer Royale


  • Is the game free to play?
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    Yes, Stumble Guys is available to download and play for free. In-app purchases are available for players who want to buy additional in-game items or currency.
  • Can I play with friends?
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    Absolutely! Stumble Guys offers the ability to play with friends. You can join together in parties and compete against each other or work as a team.
  • What is the maximum number of players in a Stumble Guys match?
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    A single match in Stumble Guys can host up to 32 players, making for a chaotic and fun battle royale experience.
  • Are there customization options?
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    Yes, Stumble Guys offers a variety of customization options. You can change your character's appearance with different skins, emotes, and celebration dances.
  • Is there a way to practice in Stumble Guys?
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    Stumble Guys has no dedicated practice mode, but since each round is quite short, you can quickly get a hang of the game mechanics by playing multiple matches.